The first type of pain points are those related to processes. Processes are a necessary part of the structure of running any organization, but they can also be a detriment to operations running smoothly if anything is slowing them down.
Processes can be slowed down due to various factors, from sign-offs taking too long to sourcing materials too far away. A common one is having to complete too many forms or complete too much paperwork, resulting in everything taking longer than it needs to.
Many companies offer products or services that aim to ease this pain point. If you are a company offering such a solution, or an
SDR working for such a company, you want to make sure that you know how it will fit into your conversation with your prospect.
Asking questions is essential to
qualify your leads in all of the pain point types we'll go over, as they'll help you narrow down their exact pain points and how your solution may fit, thereby guiding you to how to position yourself to sell your offer best. You may also be preparing yourself to deal with how long it may take you to get through the entire
sales process by asking these questions, as it also helps to prepare your approach internally.
What questions to ask to identify this pain point: - Can you describe your current workflow for [specific process] in your company?
- What are the main challenges you face in managing [specific process]?
- Does your team face any recurring issues or frustrations with your current tools or processes for [specific process]?