How to Increase B2B Sales

Ways to boost B2B sales.
How to increase b2b sales cover photo
Businesses are always trying to grow. It's the way they stay afloat and the way they prosper by growing their customer base.

The best startups also maintain their current customer base by offering the products and services they originally fell in love with, but also additions that are well-researched and thus well-received by their customers.

A great example of the best of both worlds is Starbucks, even if it is B2C. It originated as a lone coffee shop in Seattle, then grew in size when they standardized their product and made it unique nationwide.

The final new draw is their Mobile Order & Pay feature on their app which has now been copied elsewhere. The idea of paying for your coffee ahead of time and having it ready when you get there was innovative and drew in both old and new customers to the brand.

Let's take a look at how we can be inspired by the success of Starbucks to increase your own B2B sales.

Think of Creative Ways to Sell B2B With a
Strong B2B Sales Strategy

Thinking creatively is easier said than done. In the world of business-to-business selling, tried and true methods may reign supreme, but times have changed, and selling in a more digital, connected world allows salespeople to be creative.

You want to ensure your B2B sales strategy is not stale for the modern consumer and that you follow B2B sales best practices. And it is wholly possible to do so.

The first things to consider are the tried and true methods of old and how to modernize them with some creativity. You want to build a sales cadence, a set of steps to accomplish a creative sale led by a solid strategy.

Let's take, for example, cold emailing. As a form of outbound lead generation, it continues to be well-received by prospects.

It is a great tool to inform them about your product or service, especially given how long we spend checking emails daily. While the odd occasional email may require some work, the general rules of thumb have been the same since they began.
Keep it short, simple, and concise. Introduce yourself and have a clear focus. Be explicit about why you are contacting this prospect about your product or service. Be polite and personalize the content as much as possible where appropriate, and finish it off with a friendly invitation to discuss further.

However, you could send three such emails today in a sequence and not receive a reply through no fault of your own. This would be because the game has changed, so you need to change with the game.

Firstly, you want to check your email deliverability is good - you could be writing the perfect email to the perfect prospect, but if they never receive it, this does not matter.

Then you need to get creative and diversify your sales cadence and approach. Polite, straightforward emails are a great way to start a conversation, but they're not the only way to get noticed.

A fun thing to do with email is to do the unexpected. Reference a meme or pop culture to get noticed. A popular one we like to use at SalesPipe is referencing DJ Khaled's "anotha one."
DJ Khaled GIF another one
You also want to find your prospects and where they spend their time, and then work creatively from there. Most prospects you can find on LinkedIn with Sales Navigator, so you may want to approach them via a connection request, a comment on a post, or an InMail. Get creative with these approaches - emojis, voice, and video messages are welcome.

With voice and video messages, your prospect knows the approach is hyper-personalized, and your sales team gets to shine truly.

While a basic script is good to follow to ensure they hit all the right points, your salespeople should be free to play around with background, lighting, and vocal tonalities to see what works best. It humanizes them and their approach to prospects, even further than an email.

Another great creative way to increase B2B sales is to create relevant content. On LinkedIn, this could encourage your sales team to aim to become top voices in their area. Ask them to share and create content relevant to potential clients that will draw them in naturally, resulting in a social sale.

There is a reason that marketing teams for large brands work with Instagram influencers - their proximity to the client via social media brings them directly into clients' homes.

If your sales team fulfills a similar role, your prospects are more likely to listen to them and their suggestions when looking for a solution your product or service may address.
In addition, creating content relevant to your client beyond LinkedIn posts is also a strategy to be at the top of sales. Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) that include case studies or white papers as part of their outbound strategy are more likely to receive a response from decision-makers, making this a great strategy.

But even beyond attachments to emails, encourage your sales team to create content about their day-to-day.

Ask them to write a guest blog post or an article on LinkedIn to feature their daily comings and goings working for you. It serves to both advertise you and your brand, them and their brand, and brings attention to the fact that you seem to be specialists in your field.

With LinkedIn being the most efficient social platform for lead generation, you want the content you and your team share to be high quality and purposeful. Your sales team member being vulnerable and realistic about a bad cold call and your company's support is just as useful to your sales goals as sharing a note about your company going public.

The takeaway here?

Creativity goes a long way. Take your current sales cadence and reconsider it over the next few days. See what you can switch around and what works so long as you know you're targeting the right prospects.

And if you want some help, you are always welcome to get in touch with us here at SalesPipe - this is what we do.
B2B sales strategy examples infographic

Find The Right B2B Prospects

We briefly discussed ensuring you know where your prospects are and approaching this search creatively. It might seem like a silly point to focus on, but it is worth a second look.

As mentioned above, most of your prospects in the B2B world will likely be found on LinkedIn. This might occasionally vary due to industry, but for the most part, they will be there. This is largely because 60% of tech buyers are millennials, and we live in a digital-heavy world.

This works in your favor to sell B2B, however, because this age group has grown up with the internet, and so you can exercise some of the creative B2B sales examples mentioned above. For example, with InMail's and direct messages on LinkedIn, you can diversify by using a fun, relevant GIF to stand out.

You can join groups on LinkedIn that might be of interest to your potential clients. There you may be able to find posts to comment on that will help further you suss out if the prospect is right for you and how to approach them.

Other options to find the right B2B prospects on LinkedIn are attending relevant events, reading through the attendee list, or joining classes.
If you're selling software related to 3D modeling, find events that your ideal customer profile might also be interested in - for example, an event on technology and architecture.

Similarly, if you're selling a service within the marketing world, joining marketing LinkedIn classes can bring you closer to potential clients.

And remember to go beyond LinkedIn, to other forums you may find prospects, such as Reddit, that correspond to the interests and areas your prospects may engage with most. Begin interacting with them there as well.

A great example of something like this is the way Airbnb got creative at its start by making use of Craigslist. Instead of limiting themselves, they focused on the space where they knew they could find their ideal customer profile and worked out how to engage them from there.

Getting out there and finding your prospects with an outbound-focused team with a great inbound strategy correctly aimed at the right groups will result in more B2B sales for your company.
How to find B2B prospects on LinkedIn

Don't Underestimate Sales B2B Qualification

Sales teams need to remember to spend time on B2B qualification. It is a tedious but necessary task. Elsewhere on the blog, we've discussed qualifying B2B leads because it is an essential step of any sales process today.

If you are receiving many leads on your website but are not qualifying them, you are only moving along leads of unknown caliber down your sales funnel.

This can greatly impact your numbers at the end of each quarter, as it will seem like you cannot capture the attention of potential customers. When, in fact, they may never be good targets in the first place.

The B2B qualification process may also turn up unexpected opportunities. During a qualifying call, you might not be what the prospect is looking for, or maybe not right now, but make the right first impression, and you may get a referral, one of the more valuable ways to connect with a real prospective client today.
Another part to consider is that while you are researching the lead that you are qualifying for, you may very well come across new prospects that might be an even better fit.

If you're armed with your sales qualification scoring guide, you can do some preemptive scoring on the metrics of a partner or similar company that may actually be a better fit. So when you approach them, you're already more familiar with what they are looking for and what you can offer them.

B2B qualification is a bit like searching for treasure with a metal detector on the beach. Most of the time, you will be turning up trash, but occasionally, a bit of gold will cross your way. You want to make sure you don't miss, and a good B2B lead qualification process ensures you don't.


Increasing B2B sales may seem daunting at first, especially when, after your first period of growth, it seems like you're plateauing.

But you can turn this situation into a profitable one.

Start exercising your creative bones and get your message out there. Let your outbound team have some freedom and encourage them to create content. Explore unconventional spaces where your prospects might hang out. And make sure you're making the most of your B2B lead qualification processes to find those diamonds in the rough.

For further insights into B2B sales, you can feel free to peruse our blog. And if you want to increase your B2B sales, reach out to us here and we'll connect with you shortly.