When it comes to motivating your
SDRs, rewards don't always have to be flashy and expensive.
Sure, a shiny new iPad is a sweet motivator, but sometimes all it takes is a simple "nice work" to make an SDR's day. Or, for a gesture that will really make an impact, why not pen a handwritten thank-you note? It's like a little trophy they can keep on their desk, and unlike emails, it won't just get lost in the digital abyss.
It's easy for SDRs to feel like they're at the bottom of the sales totem pole, like the Robin to your Batman, the Luigi to your Mario, and the sidekick to your superhero. But you know what? They're your team's backbone and deserve to be recognized and appreciated for all their hard work.
So make sure to give them heartfelt acknowledgments and let them know their contributions are valued. It's like giving them a virtual high-five, except it'll boost their morale and motivation instead of just stinging their palm.